From International Vegetarian Cookbook, Gary Null, 1998
Recipe claims to serve 2. To that, I would append "usually for 3 meals each." Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I have a hefty appetite, and there are always leftovers.
Notes: I make this regularly. It's very filling, and the leftovers make for a good lunch the next day (or two). The texture is somewhat surprising; sort of like mashed potatoes, but lighter. Don't skip the garnish; the orange wedges are a tasty addition. Careful not to burn the cumin seeds. I often just dump them right in at the end, instead of trying to top each serving with a portion. I generally use red lentils. The hour of soaking time makes it difficult to prepare during the week, but otherwise it's actually a perfect dish to make when you have a lot going on, because it requires very little hands-on time.
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more
deadly in the long run.
-- Mark Twain
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20.