I've only had a very small amount of formal education in computer programming, but over the years I've been teaching myself more, using the wonderful knowledge pool provided by free and open source software. And some books.
I'm primarily interested in Lisp (mainly of the Emacs variety) and Python.
As of 2010, I'm a Debian Developer, maintaining the xword and planner-el packages.
Here are some of the projects I'm involved in:
Many smaller hacks and ideas will just be posted on the Journal.
Turning from the blaze to the counterpanel //
I saw how we are all great in our shortcomings, yea //
greater because of them. There are letters in the alphabet //
we don't know yet, but when we've remembered them //
we'll know the luster of unsupported things. //
Our negativity will have caught up with us //
and we'll be better for it. Just //
keep turning on lights, wasting electricity, //
carousing with aardvarks, smashing the stemware. //
These apartments we live in are nicer //
than where we lived before, near the beginning. //
-- John Ashbery, "When I Saw the Invidious Flare"
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20. "Code" by John Sullivan is Copyright ©2003 - 2011, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.