Preheat oven to 375. Grease an 8-inch square baking dish.
In a small bowl, mix salt, pumpkin pie spice, allspice, thyme, and ground red pepper.
Slice the pressed tofu into long triangles like this: Slice into eigths width-wise Slice each eigth in half into a long triangle
Rub spice mix into tofu.
Sear the tofu in a skillet, about 8 minutes on each side.
In the baking dish, layer black beans and sweet potato. Top with the tofu.
In small bowl, mix honey, lime juice, and cornstarch. Heat in a pan until boiling, stirring constantly. Pour over the other ingredients. Bake until done, 30-45 minutes. Sprinkle with green onions.
There is always one thing to remember: writers are always selling somebody out.
-- Joan Didion, "Slouching Towards Bethlehem"
This page was last modified on 2013 February 10.