by John Sullivan
Sauté the onions in the olive oil with the chili pepper and the cinnamon until the onions turn translucent and soften. This takes around 10 minutes.
Add the remaining ingredients. I prefer to add the ingredients in the order listed, stirring thoroughly after the diced tomatoes are added, to give the beans, corn and tomatoes a chance to mingle directly with the chili powder.
Heat until hot throughout. Simmering slowly seems to help the flavor some, but I haven't worked out the optimal time for that yet. I've been letting it simmer for about 15 minutes, based on the recommendation of another chili recipe, and that seems to work. Make sure to stir often to avoid burning.
If it were just me eating this, I'd go up to 1 tbsp of tabasco.
As you might guess, this recipe makes a whole lot of chili. For the two of us, it's enough for a couple dinners and a couple lunches each. That would put it in the neighborhood of 12-16 servings.
Cornbread goes well with this. I'll post that recipe soon.
He hath eaten me out of house and home.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20.