Let me ring a few of these numbers
to see if they pick up
He turned over in his bed
I hang on the other end, distant
"Leave a message asshole"
"Now leave this asshole a message"
The painting is of the mountains
Messages frequently go unheard
there is nothing I can do
pushed back her hair
she pushed back her chair
This is imagination, an unlisted number
and this is a procedure to follow
in which the mountain's frame is forgotten
and the phone of theory is a cord dangling
from the wrist
(these greetings are paid by the hour)
He ducks to hide from the entrance
She slips on the crooked desk
This is imagined, last year's number
answering machines calling him
Keep your normal voice friendly
Keep your friendly voice normal
The phone rings but doesn't answer
sleeping under its dust cover
He lived in a mailbox
a bucket that was slowly emptied
This is sense
which merengues itself
The envelopes will be quicksand for their toes
after they are licked
You can use this plaque on my desk
to authorize anything you do
I'll try to be more helpful next call
hold my breath
which is how autumn leaves rattle
in through the door
Preconceptions are fastened
but you can't remember man or woman
Preconceptions are fastened
first to first of the first
This is the imagination of electronics
and this is a grid ranking names
I've checked the emails and they are all for you
exactly what Fridays are for
the red-robed figure is rushing down steps
the dog noses the glass door wet
and the buzz of the misplaced wasp
Sinks unnoticed down the stairs
but more congruous than a recording
representing an identity
The expression, "hold, just for a second,"
yet meaning is meant to be silent
That is the second or third floor
Where you can turn in your concerns with a foot
I do not step to it
but face an angled seating
high as the chair on its wheels
the theory of the phone, extension
or the counter-cultural building
the LEDs slowly climb
exactly what Fridays are for
there are only beneficial reasons for their truth
and the bells announcing their arrival
break cracks through foundation.
Neglect of duty does not cease, by repetition, to be neglect of duty.
-- Napoleon
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20. "The Theory of the Phone" by John Sullivan is Copyright ©2003 - 2011, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.