Based on Miso-Cup Recipes
Pierce eggplant several times with a fork to prevent it from exploding. Bake eggplant until soft. Scoop out the center into a blender. Discard the skin. Add dissolved Miso-Cup and rest of ingredients and puree until smooth. Serve on crackers or chips.
I haven't made this yet. You can make a dressing out of it as well, by increasing the amount of water. Miso-Cup is a brand of instant miso soup that you can find at Whole Foods.
Today, an endless, recombinant, and fundamentally social process generates
countless hours of creative product (another antique term?). To say that this
poses a threat to the record industry is simply comic. The record industry,
though it may not know it yet, has gone the way of the record. Instead, the
recombinant (the bootleg, the remix, the mash-up) has become the characteristic
pivot at the turn of our two centuries.
-- William Gibson
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20.