From Parade, 2004 October 24
Serves 8.
1. Combine the lemon juice, mustard, garlic, cumin, sugar, salt and pepper in a bowl. Whisking constantly, drizzle in the oil until slightly thickened. Set aside.
2. In a large salad bowl, combine the cucumbers, papayas, tomatoes, carrots and scallions.
3. Toss with reserved vinaigrette and cilantro. Serve immediately.
Notes: Haven't tried it yet. "Don't season this salad until just before serving, or it will become watery." Yum, papayas. When is papaya season again?
He jests at scars who never felt a wound.
-- Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet, II. 2"
This page was last modified on 2011 December 20.