
Overloading the Machine

Creamy Miso-Potato Soup


Based on Miso-Cup Recipes

  • 8 cups water (3 qts.)
  • 12 medium potatoes (3 lbs.)
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Soup greens: (any of the following) celery tops, parsnips, parsley, cabbage cores
  • 1 envelope Miso-Cup dissolved in 1 cup of soup broth

Scrub and quarter potatoes. Scrub carrots. Peel onion and garlic. Clean and cut soup greens as necessary. Place all vegetables in water and cook for about one hour or until potatoes are tender. Remove pot from heat. Take one cup of broth an dissolve one envelope of Miso-Cup into it and set aside. When soup has cooled, remove and discard soup greens. Remove carrots, slice and set aside. Puree potatoes with remaining water and replace pureed mixture into soup pot. Add sliced carrots and miso mixture. Heat for a few minutes and serve.


  • Add 2 cups cooked corn kernels, whole peas, or sprouted lentils.


I haven't made this yet.

This page was last modified on 2011 December 20.