Next: , Previous: Task Priorities, Up: Creating New Tasks Task IDs

After loading planner.el, make sure that planner-id.el is in your load path and add this to your .emacs (or _emacs):

     (require 'planner-id)

This module modifies the behavior of planner.el, adding global task IDs so that tasks can be edited and updated. Planner IDs are of the form ‘{{Identifier:Number}}’.


— User Option: planner-id-add-task-id-flag

Non-nil means automatically add global task IDs to newly-created tasks. If nil, use planner-id-add-task-id to add IDs to existing tasks, or planner-id-add-task-id-to-all to add to all tasks on the current page.

— User Option: planner-id-update-automatically

Non-nil means automatically update linked tasks whenever a page is saved. If nil, use planner-update-task to update the linked task. By default, linked tasks are automatically updated.

— User Option: planner-id-tracking-file

File that contains ID tracking data. This file is automatically overwritten.


The following interactive functions are defined in planner-id.el:

— Function: planner-id-jump-to-linked-task &optional info

Display the linked task page. If info is specified, follow that task instead.

— Function: planner-id-add-task

Add a task ID for the current task if it does not have one yet. Update the linked task page, if any.

— Function: planner-id-update-tasks-on-page &optional force

Update all tasks on this page. Completed or cancelled tasks are not updated. This can be added to write-file-functions. If force is non-nil, completed and cancelled tasks are also updated.

— Function: planner-id-add-task-id-to-all

Add a task ID for all the tasks on the page. Update the linked page, if any.

— Function: planner-id-search-id id

Search for all occurrences of id.

— Function: planner-id-follow-id-at-point

Display a list of all pages containing the ID at point.

— Function: planner-id-follow-id-at-mouse event

Display a list of all pages containing the ID at mouse. event is the mouse event.