This module enables you to refer to your Subversion (svn) changesets easily from within a Planner page, and to have your svn commits recorded automatically as notes in your planner.
You must also have psvn.el, which is often packaged with Subversion in GNU/Linux distributions.
You can then load the module by adding (require 'planner-psvn)
your ~/.emacs.
Once the module is loaded, Planner will pick up annotation information from any psvn *svn-log-view* buffer. If you create a task or note while in such a buffer, that task will have a hyperlink you can follow to return to the changeset later.
These hyperlinks are of the form ‘psvn://’
Additionally, you can have notes for your commits automatically generated. Set planner-psvn-log-edit-notice-commit-function to t to enable this.
By default, these commit notes will include a list of the files modified. If you would prefer to have this list not included, set planner-psvn-log-edit-include-files-flag to nil.